Q: How do I order?
A: Use this link to reach our online Custom Order Request Form..
Q: How do I confirm the order?
A: With a 50% deposit. It is non refundable and is needed to separate the date.
Q: When do I need to make the final payment?
A: At least 3 days before the order due date.
Q: Methods of payment?
A: Zelle, PayPal, Venmo, CashApp, Apple Pay, Cash.. Here are all of the handles:
PayPal: Click here
Zelle: orders@thecakeshoppedream.com
Venmo: @ileana-sharee
CashApp: $thecakeshoppedream
Q: Do you deliver?
A: Yes! Certain deliveries have an additional fee.
Q: Whats the best way to transport custom cakes?
A: Cakes do best on the floor! You can place a towel or non-skid mat and place the cake (inside the box) on top of it as flat as possible. I DO NOT RECOMMEND holding in your lap or putting on a seat. This will cause the cake to slant and possibly hit the insides of the box.
Q: Where are you located?
A: Right behind Young Circle in Downtown Hollywood, FL.
Q: Do have gluten free products?
A: Not at this time. However, I am working on getting some recipes developed!
Q:Do you offer classes?
A: Not at this time but I will soon!
Q: Do you require a deposit?
A: Yes! It is non refundable and is needed to reserve the date!
Q: How to cut tall cakes?
A: Video coming soon!